I’m not going to lie- affirmations for moms has helped me immensely. When you become a mom, it’s a whole different world than you’ve ever known- am I right? You sacrifice so many things- sleep, your body, your time, for some people their careers and relationships, too. I don’t know any moms that say it isn’t worth it, but I think we can all agree it’s hard. Here are some of the things I’ve experienced first handedly as a mom:
-Close relatives and strangers giving unsolicited parenting advice.
-Tantrums in grocery stores
-Feeling guilty about going out or having “time to myself”
-Losing my cool, yelling at my children, and then sobbing later because I feel bad about it
-Holding a grudge against my partner because he “doesn’t seem to value or recognize all that I do”.
-Given up on hobbies and/or career opportunities
-Completely lost my sense of self
And these are just a few! If you’re a mom, surely you can relate, right? I didn’t start using affirmations until recently, but they have helped me so much in my life. If I had even considered looking for affirmations for moms when I first became a parent, I can’t help but think they would have helped reinforce things that I wanted to be, but didn’t feel I had the strength. Now I use affirmations all the time (affirmations for reinvention is my current morning listen, but affirmations for moms, partners, or self growth are all things I incorporate into my life regularly) They’re like a little secret weapon I can use whenever I am doubting myself.
20 Powerful Affirmations for Moms
I may not be perfect but I am the perfect mother for my children.
I am learning to approach chaos with patience and an open heart.
Being a patient and loving mother is my priority right now.
I am so grateful for the time I get to spend with my kids.
I am teaching my children love and patience by showing them love and patience.
With or without outside recognition, the work I do as a mother has true value.
When I have to choose between being stressed about small things, or making lasting memories, I choose to make lasting memories.
I can not adequately take care of anyone else if I am not taking care of myself, too.
Self care allows me to give 100% to the people and things that I value the most.
I can have wonderful traits as a mother and still be learning at the same time.
I am a mother, but I am also my own person.
I choose to prioritize love and compassion for my kids and for myself.
When things get stressful, I can can take the time I need to feel calm.
I know this is temporary, so I am choosing to make the best of it.
I am practicing love, patience, and boundaries.
Just because it works for them, doesn’t mean it’s the best thing for our family.
I have the power to choose what the best decisions are for my children.
When I do my best, I’m teaching my kids to do their best.
I am a compassionate, patient and loving mother.
When I enforce boundaries for my children, I am also teaching them how to build and respect their own.
I like to choose one or two affirmations for the week and repeat them to myself throughout the day. Usually first thing in the morning and always before bed. You can say them as little or as often as you’d like, but I feel they are more effective when repeated a lot. I definitely encourage you to get comfortable saying them outloud- even if it’s just a whisper.
Do you feel like any of these affirmations resonated with you?
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